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Curbside Take-Out & Delivery

Most Calhoun’s locations offer take-out and curbside pick-up options. Place your curbside order in just a few easy steps.

Most Calhoun’s locations offer direct delivery when placing an online order. This delivery option is a partnership between ChowNow and 3rd party delivery services.

For your convenience, an estimated delivery time is always provided when placing an order. After your order is picked up from Calhoun’s, it’s up to the third-party delivery service to transport it in a reasonable amount of time. If you have any issues receiving your delivery order, please contact your delivery driver directly.

If you placed your order through the Calhoun’s website or app, you can contact the restaurant location to speak with a manager or to-go specialist. Please let the manager know that you ordered through our website or app and they will assist you in resolving the issue.

While there is not currently an option to use a Copper Card when ordering through our website or app, you can use it to pay for take-out or curbside orders placed over the phone.

Gift Cards

Yes! All Calhoun’s locations offer the Copper Card for purchase in the amount of your choosing. Order online here.

To purchase a Copper Card, stop by any Copper Cellar Family restaurant location or order online. For immediate gifts, we recommend purchasing an e-certificate.

Copper Cards are good at any Copper Cellar Family of Restaurants locations, as well as our Copper Cellar Marketplace.

No. For your convenience, our Copper Cards never expire or lose value.

Simply check your balance online in a few easy steps.